A Day in the Life of Dr. Mike
Curious about how Dr. Mike approaches his day – from his food choices to if he gets a workout in? Check out this blog to learn how he makes sure he makes good choices through his day while also enjoying a good bourbon.
Finding Relief from Text Neck
Text Neck, or Upper Cross Syndrome, can be a debilitating injury caused by looking at technology all day - from phones to computers. Learn how you can prevent Text Neck and also how to reduce the symptoms.
Scoliosis and the Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care may help the scoliosis curve and strengthen the area through specific, safe adjustments. There are also specific guided exercises that can relieve the pain and discomfort caused by scoliosis. If a curve is above a certain percentage, a recommendation may be to consult with Orthopedic for bracing.
Combating Inflammation with the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Chronic inflammation is the invisible version, caused by a sustained fight by your immune system against a perceived threat. This threat can be anything your body sees as the enemy, and for some people, this can be certain types of food.
Safely Restarting a Workout Routine
Being physically fit is essential and a great way to boost your immune system and stay healthy. But going from 0 to 100 too quickly can be dangerous and lead to injury. Follow these tips to keep your body ready.
Creating an Ergonomically Friendly Workspace in Your Home
With many of us now working from home to maintain social distancing, creating an ergonomically-friendly workspace is more important than ever to keep you healthy and safe. Typically we do not design our homes with the thought of working in them for more than 8 hours a day so we tend to sit where we can, whether on the sofa, at the kitchen table, or even on the floor. This can create havoc on our necks and backs.
Supporting Parents in Need
We will be collecting items for the NICU at Fairview Hospital in Cleveland and the Ronald McDonald Family Room, also at Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital. If you are able and want to support, stop by our office in Rocky River and drop off items outline in the blog.
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Chiropractor
You decided to see a chiropractor but now you need to choose one that will meet your needs. Do you know what to look for? Just as with any health professional, take the time to do a little research before scheduling your appointment. Check out this list to help you with getting the info you need before you make an appointment!
Dr. Mike’s Philosophy of Supplements
While in an ideal world it would be wonderful if you got all of your vitamins and minerals from food and proper hydration, that is not realistic for most. Instead, I recommend you use supplements to help build a strong nutritional platform combined with a healthy diet and proper hydration.
5 Ways to Keep Back & Neck Pain Away
Back and neck pain are some of the most common complaints we hear from people of all ages, and the discomfort can really interfere with your day-to-day activities - consider implementing the following small changes into your lifestyle.
Dr. Urban's List of Exercises to Avoid in 2020 (and beyond)
Not all exercises are created equally and some do more harm than good. Follow this list of exercises to avoid and what to replace them with to help keep you healthy in 2020.
12 Health and Wellness Gift Ideas
Need gift ideas for the health-conscious people in your life? Look no further! We rounded up a dozen great gifts to help improve your loved one’s health and wellness in 2020.
5 Reasons Why You’re Waking Up with Pain
Quality sleep is so essential to our health, and we all want to wake up feeling fully rested so we can tackle the day. Unfortunately, for many people, mornings are uncomfortable. If you’re waking up each morning with stiffness or soreness, consider these possible causes and solutions.